A Cartoon History of the Middle East starting in 1798. These cartoons are compiled by Peter Casillas , and Web Site designed by Darryl M. Gann (e-mail: dmg-fris@att.net, site: darrylgann.com). A Timeline index of this site can be found here.
With loving memory of Peter Casillas, who passed away June 25, 2024, this site will go on into next year, 2025. I will continue adding cartoons until there are none left. Please keep checking back to this site. DG
Peter Casillas (1942 - 2024)
A Cartoon History of the Middle East starting in 1798. These cartoons are compiled by Peter Casillas , and Web Site designed by Darryl M. Gann (e-mail: dmg-fris@att.net, site: darrylgann.com). A Timeline index of this site can be found here.
With loving memory of Peter Casillas, who passed away June 25, 2024, this site will go on into next year, 2025. I will continue adding cartoons until there are none left. Please keep checking back to this site. DG
Peter Casillas (1942 - 2024)